Why start a youtube channel?

In 2016 I attended a children's ministry conference.  It was so good and I left that day feeling motivated with lots of practical ideas to do with my classes that week. However, I could only remember one of them. Yes, my memory isn't great but I thought there must be a way to help people like me who can't remember things easily. Later that week, I was working on my lessons resources and thought, 'maybe I could record how I do name tags for my classes'.  So I used my iPhone and did a little recording.  My own kids basically said that 'No one will want to watch a video on how to make name tags'.  Later, I recorded a few other short 1-2 minute tutorials.  I sent them to a few friends who thought they would be helpful.  Then came the moment of truth - would I start a youtube channel?  What does that mean?  Where do I start?  


Called to be a Youtuber… Really? Is there such a calling?

So began one of the biggest learning curves of my life. Hours and hours of watching tutorials on how to film, script, edit, SEO, branding, etc.  And the views and subscribers were so few.  Is this really worth the endless hours work when only a few people are viewing?  I often wondered.  But every now and then, a kind person would write a comment and thank me, telling me how they were using my ideas.  And then another teacher would tell me how great one of my ideas worked in their lesson.  It's your encouragement that spurs me on to keep creating and sharing ideas.


Do I make money from youtube?

After years of creating tutorials I finally qualified to be 'monetised'.  Which means you have to put up with those annoying ads - I'm so sorry. When I received my first adsense payment it equated to about 5 cents per hour of work. Like so many of you, money isn't my motivation for doing gospel ministry. I’ve committed this ministry to the Lord and will trust Him to guide and provide as needed. More than anything, I am thankful that Jesus loved me so much that He gave His life for me and because of this, I just want to share His message with others and support people like you who are doing the same.  'We know what love is because Jesus gave his life for us. This is why we must give our lives for each other.' (1 John 3:16)  With that in mind, I must tell you that I'm so encouraged and even a bit overwhelmed that people are finding my content helpful enough to subscribe. Thank you for watching my ideas, subscribing, 'liking', commenting and sharing my ideas with others.  It really encourages me.  I also realise that many people think that you have to pay money to subscribe on youtube.  But it's FREE to subscribe.  Yes, it's true!  Just visit my channel page by clicking the green box below.  It will take you to my Youtube channel where you can SUBSCRIBE and if you 'tap' the little bell next to it, you will get a notification whenever I put up a new idea.  Thanks again for visiting my website home.  Please come by again and may God bless you as you teach the next generation about Jesus.